Marine Oily Waste Disposal

Marine Vessel Oily Water And Sludge Waste Disposal 

Cebu Megalube helps domestic and foreign marine vessels calling on the Port of Cebu with their oily waste disposal requirements. As a certified waste oil collector of the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG), our company follows the strictest standards with regards to collection, storage and disposal of marine oily wastes as described in Marpol 73/78, Annex 1 (Prevention of Pollution By Oil of the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships).

How It Works

Step One – Documentation / Request for Disposal

Once we receive a signed written request for oily waste disposal from your company representative or vessel captain or chief engineer, our staff will coordinate and secure the necessary waste oil disposal permits from the Cebu Port Authority (CPA), the Philippine Coast Guard, Bureau of Customs, the Department of Environment & Natural Resources (DENR) and other agencies. To ensure the prompt release of the documents authorizing the hazardous waste & oily water disposal, we recommend a minimum of five (5) working days from date of requested date of servicing advance notice from the vessel.

Step Two – Marine Oily Waste Disposal At Cebu Port

Once the permits for the oily waste disposal are secured, our waste oil collection teams will be at the pier on the agreed date & time with our tanker lorry trucks. We will coordinate with your safety and technical crew members to ensure that procedures for proper waste oil collection is followed and the entire process is done in a speedy, efficient fashion.

Step Three – Documentation / Completion

Once the entire disposal service is completed, Cebu Megalube will issue documentation certifying that the vessel has disposed of its oily wastes. The said certification will also include: the volume of waste oil collected, the location/port of call where the disposal was conducted and other pertinent data as may be required.

Final Disposal Of Oily Waste and Oil Slop

The collected waste oil and slop will be brought to Cebu Megalube’s DENR-certified Treatment, Storage and Disposal (TSD) plant located in Consolacion, Cebu for proper treatment.

The plant’s facilities include but not limited to:

*Storage tanks with large volume capacity

*Oil-water separators

*Treatment facilities for effluent water

*Proprietary equipment and technology for oil recovery


Let Cebu Megalube Handle Your Ship’s or Vessel’s Waste Oil Disposal

To get started, talk to us about your company’s or vessel’s oil waste disposal requirements  by sending us an email ([email protected]) or phone.